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Swedish Copyright Society (est. 1954) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to spreading knowledge about copyright legislation and promoting qualified discussions about how this legal field can be developed.

Previous webinars

Copyright protection of works of applied art: (radical) change or continuity?

Date and time: 2024-02-07 at 16:30

Please join us by clicking on the following link: Webinar on Copyright Protection of Works Applied Art

If the link above does not work, paste this into your browser: https://zoom.us/j/95186958394

As Advocate General Szpunar noted in the opening of his Opinion in Cofemel, “The legal protection of works of applied art is virtually as old as the legal protection of intellectual property in general. However, it still struggles to find its place within an intellectual property law system”.

Over the past several years, the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has progressively mandated a uniform treatment of copyright works, including works of applied art. Does that mean that originality is now the only requirement for protection? If so, how should it be assessed?

As the CJEU will also be required to answer these questions when deciding the fresh referrals for a preliminary ruling in Mio and USM Haller, join us to discuss all these issues, featuring lawyers who have litigated some of the most important CJEU copyright cases!


  • Benoit Van Asbroeck, Partner, Bird & Bird
  • Karin Cederlund, Partner, Sandart & Partners
  • João Miranda de Sousa, Partner, Garrigues

Chair: Eleonora Rosati, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Stockholm University, and Of Counsel, Bird & Bird

Time: 7 February 2024, 16:30 – 18:00 CET
Place: Free webinar on Zoom. 

Please join us by clicking on the following link: Webinar on Copyright Protection of Works Applied Art

If the link above does not work, paste this into your browser: https://zoom.us/j/95186958394

Contact: Elin Lindh, Secretary, elin.lindh@upphovsrattsforeningen.se


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